Apollo Global Management

4 years agoOpen For Voting

I’ve noticed a theme in the last several “decline of” videos, which I sum up by misquoting Percy Bysshe Shelley’s ‘Ozymandias’:
“And on their grave these words appear: ‘Bought by Apollo Capital Management'”.
I would like to see a deep-dive into one of these private equity firms and their victims, and Apollo is a prime example. The founder of Apollo, Leon Black, allowed Jeffrey Epstein a “backdoor into Apollo”, they buy child-friendly businesses such as Chuck E Cheese, and AMC. They own Academi (formerly known as Blackwater) and Triple Canopy, two of the world’s largest private mercenary armies. Leon Black’s father Eli Black was head of United Fruit, and used his mercenary armies to topple Latin American republics just as his son Leon topples popular companies.
You’ve done several videos on Apollo subsidiaries, but you could mine your old videos for new content by linking the failed companies you’ve already reported on, to the private equity companies and their LBOs which brought those companies to their knees in the first place.