Formular One

3 years agoOpen For Voting

The rise of Formular one from a private rich sport to one of the fastest growing sport in the world and US.
Formular one is a zenith of motorsport and innovation. It has always been a leader in R&D in the auto world. Many formular one innovation have revolutionized the auto world but formular one as a sport was never as popularized as other sport. The owners treated it as a private enterprise this however caused the sport to decline as it failed to attract new fans because of its exclusivity that did not interest younger people who did not have the money to keep up with the sport . Things changed when libety media took over, they made the Formular One media and fan friendly promoting to younger oudience and to remove the stereotype of the sport being about rich and old people. Drive to survive by Netflix was the big turning point it gave people an inside look of how the sport operate and attracted lots of fans in the US. As a result Formular One had a young oudience and continues to grow.
Am part of that young audience by the way and i love the racing.