
They’ve been a successful arcade company in Japan for definitely over a decade now. In 2014, they opened a arcade in California and they’ve been very successful over in the…

Hitachi – Bigger than you know.

Hitachi is rather large. I’ve worked with their power tools and storage arrays in the IT world and they got more! Further more I wonder if people know who they…


It has a really long and interesting history, and I want to learn more about the way the company is structured.


Coolcat used to be a Dutch clothes vendor with 80 locations in the Netherlands, 17 in Belgium, 6 in France and 2 in Luxembourg. Would love to see a video…

Southwest Airlines

From their innovative conception, this company created a marketplace that defines the airline industry to this day. They’re famously whacky and are a true underdog story.

Woolworth’s Australia

It bugs me when you said woolworth’s died out when it’s really popular in Australia (and apparently other countries)


This company has an amazing history and quickly became successfull