
The decline. Why are all their stores in danger of closing?


You recently did a video on Steak and Shake, and you’ve done other burger joints in the past, that were kind of unique. I feel like this would fit in…

Nestle – Infant Formula Scandal

One of the most unbelievable scandals that I have ever encountered was a discussion topic during my Bioethics class in college. The Nestle company was directly responsible for the death…


Not only are they a smashing success, they’re the source of a conundrum that maybe you can solve for me. They’ve been around since 1998. That part isn’t the problem….

Pizza Hut

This topic is worthy because they were big back in the day but they have closed locations and what happened to this once popular chain?

In-N-Out Burger

It’s a West Coast fast food chain with a limited menu, but with a slowly expanding business model.


A MULTI-million dollar effort with big names attached such as Disney, Quibi has failed in creating its own unique steaming service. We are only a few months in of the…

Hertz Global Holdings

They just filed for bankruptcy.