
I got something on that site that was listed as free; I only had to pay shipping. Why??


It was one of the biggest crazes of my childhood, but like all crazes it came and went. Talk about Furbish, which is apparently an official language they developed. Also,…

Microsoft zune

Because people want to see the mistakes it brought to mocrosoft

Hellman’s and Best Foods

Why Two Names? The same brand of mayonnaise is called Hellman’s on the east coast, and Best Foods on the west coast. Would be interesting for you to explain why

United Airlines Controversy

United Airlines has been accused of not being the friendliest airline to its passengers. I think it would make for in interesting video.


I don’t hear about them anymore.

Build-A-Bear Workshop

This topic is worthy for a video because it is one of the last toy stores in the US. In the last several years, the company hasn’t been doing well….