
Once the Biggest Drugstore chainnin Europe, Schlecker went Bankrupt in 2012 after countless of scandals involving the owner and his family. Now there is nothing of the once iconic German…


It was a rare combination restaurant/bar/arcade chain. They also used to have live bands on Wednesday nights at the Buffalo location back in 2002. The venue was always packed and…

The Rice Kingdom

The area in the southeast centered around Charleston, SC was once called the Rice Kingdom especially dure to its production of Carolina Gold Rice. Although Rice is more popular now…

Ford’s Garage

It’s a new and upcoming casual dining concept from southwest Florida. They’re expanding all over the country currently. Reasons behind their success are their 1-4-7 restaurant culture and their guest…

King Cotton

Cotton once dominated the American economy. It fell dururing the Civil War never to rise to its former glory when the war ended in 1865. Why?

Lebanon Bologna

Why has this delicious sausage of Pa Dutch area not gained national acceptance?

Deseret industry

How religion got involved in business or how it is dominating where it is but no where else

Mary Browns Chicken

It is a Canada-wide fried chicken fast food chain that has slowly been overtaking KFC in popularity over the last 10 years. It has also been featured on the show…

Dollar Loan Center

Why they’re successful. They may only be in three states (that I know of), but they not only lend money at predatory (but not anywhere as high as a payday…