Bruams Hamburgers

This fast food restaurant has more than 350 stores in 5 states. Most in the south, based out of Oklahoma. They have their own manufacturing plants in Oklahoma where they…

The rise and fall of Allis-Chalmers

They were a cool company and they deserved better. Allis-Chalmers was one of the first big manufacturers to go international. They spear headed many modern technologies in the Ag tractor…

DuckDuckGo vs Google

While Google is the most used search engine, DuckDuckGo is still very popular. Explaining the differences would be interesting, like DuckDuckGo being open-sourced and not a data greedy engine

Stater Bros Markets

Because it’s the second largest private grocery chain in California generating 5.5 billion in revenue. Has a loyal customer following. Would love to see the history and how they got…


They’re a fashion company with a controversial track record

HiSense (TVs)

HiSense is a TV company that seems to have appeared out of nowhere and now it’s everywhere.

Deluxe Media

The company has been around for over 100 years. It used to be a cornerstone of the film industry. But has struggled to find its way since the studios went…

Sinclair Oil/Gas Stations

They seemed prominent in the 90s and not sure what happened to them. They had a big green Brontosaurus that people would see by the roadside.