Santa Cruz Skateboards

you haven’t really talked about Skate/Long boards yet so you should do one of the biggest companies

CDNs like Akamai

This is something most people — net users — do not know about much less understand. For that reason, it may not have a wide range of interest, but I…


in some countries, I came to find that there was a VCD era in between after VHS and Betamax era and before DVD and Blu ray era in the United…


I’m interested to see how Criterion is able to keep a loyal customer base unlike other Blu Ray Companies.


Once a great seller of Computers and TVs, electronics. What went wrong?

BP (Oil Company)

It’s history and the oil spill in 2010 sounds interesting to me

Kenny Rogers Chicken

Just saw that Kenny Rogers is in the hospital. Haven’t thought anything about these places since the 90s. They used to be everywhere and seemingly vanished overnight.