Yankee Candle Company

It has a very interesting origin. Also it’s interesting that a brand based entirely on candles has become so prominent all over the world. (Especially Korea)


From building ships for WWII to becoming a health care giant. Henry J Kaiser is almost like a real like Tony Stark!

Splenda, Equal, No-calorie sweeteners, etc.

I would love to see the history of no-calorie sweeteners and the battel for the top sales. Please include the sweeteners that were pulled for cancer scares and how the…


Make a video about Bowing or the 737 disasters. Or both 😉

Mass Mutual Carolinas

My dad has a high-level position there and we want free advertising. Pls, upvote!!!


A bigger than you know episode, haven’t really heard anything about it other than air-conditioning but I’ve heard they also produced a bunch of other stuff


Websites and other online businesses or forums seem to be lacking in the channel. With Craigslist in many countries other than America how they have expanded could make for a…