
European companies that have bridged the gap to America, so they are relatible to both an American and European Audience. I’m Irish and I can say that either one of…


How big are they? Engines for cars, trucks, bikes, scooters, lawnmowers, weedeaters, boats, generators, etc.


The godfather of the Silicon Valley. The database that the entire world runs on. Facebook and Google will be nothing without Oracle.

Berkshire Hathaway

They are a large company that owns many popular brands, and are controlled by Warren Buffet, one of the most successful buissnessmen in history


Not only this hits close to home (as I work for the company) but I always wondered about the company as there is very little news about it. Either that…

Pilgrims Pride

Hey guys. I wanted you to look into Pilgrims Pride chicken. Its started in the small town of Pittsburg, t.x. near where I grew up. Originally a local feed store…


Should be self explanatory. Biggest Telecom company in the world. Dominated the telecom infrastructure market. In the early 2000’s, went from 60,000 employees down to 12. Stock price went from…


You did a video including this before but I would like to see an in-depth video on it.