Souplantation / Sweet Tomatoes

As a loyal fan of their restaurants, I was sad to see them announce that they’d be closing all of their restaurants. This hits close to home because they’re headquartered…

ZOOM Communications

The company no one had heard of just a month ago, and is now seemingly everywhere. Perhaps could be part of the Rise/Fall or Why They’re Successful Series considering their…


This company got away with flat-out lying to investors about their finances for over 10 years! The CEO threatened his subordinates to keep the lies going, but never got punished…


The French video game company has been hated by many people when it comes to playing games, micro transactions, and Uplay service. However another reason to add to the hate…

Coca Cola: bigger than you know

It’s a massive soda company that owns far more beverages than people know. You can also talk about Sprite and other stuff

Why they are hated: Comcast

I know that comcast is pretty unanimously hated much like other cable companies and are said to pay off government officials to allow them to treat their customers poorly. With…